Ground Flax Seed Meal
Also Known As: Flax Seed or Flaxmeal
Ingredients: Ground Flax Seed Meal - Refrigeration is recommended.
Taste and Aroma: Nutty, buttery and pleasant.
Uses: Baking, smoothies, bread, granola, oatmeal, muffins, pancakes and cupcakes.
Substitutes: Golden Flax Seed, Brown Flax Seed, Almond Flour, Pecan Meal, Chlorella Powder, Hazelnut Meal, Cornmeal, Soy Flour Defatted and Acai Berry Powder Organic.
Fun Fact: Use one tablespoon of Ground Flax Seed Meal with three tablespoons of water for a great egg substitute in baking.
Health Values: Flax Seed is believed to have significant health benefits because of its usually high content of: Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Lignans and Fiber. Research has shown Lignans in particular to have powerful anti-oxidant properties. Flax Seed contains up to 800 times more Lignans than other foods with Lignans. Below are the most significant health benefits associated with Flax Seed:
1. Certain studies have shown flax seed to protect against cancer and inhibit tumor growth.
2. Certain studies have shown flax seed to help protect against heart disease.
3. There is preliminary research that shows flax seed stabilizing blood sugar levels for people with Diabetes.
4. Many studies have shown flax seeds ability to lower LDL cholesterol levels, commonly known as bad cholesterol.
5. Certain studies have shown Flax Seed lowering high blood pressure.
6. Flax seed is believed to help against inflammation and arthritis.
7. Preliminary research has shown Flax Seed to lower the intensity of hot flashes.
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is for educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.